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MSRP $85.00


here is a link to Compass Games' own webpage on this game, including rules and more pictures:

Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition (


...From the publisher's description:


Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by John Edwards, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Celebrated by many as the successor to The Russian Campaign, this two-player game recreates the Allied campaign in Western Europe from D-Day to March 1945.

This edition of Fortress Europa features a super-sized map and counters and is yet another Classic Reborn! by Compass.

The time is: June 1944

For over two years, the Allies have been gathering their forces in England, preparing the final plan and its execution. Over three million men have been assembled in England and Africa. The Allied Strategic Air Forces relentlessly strike at railroads, road networks, bridges, and industrial complexes in Germany, France, Belgium, and Holland, attempting to soften up the German defense and stow German production.

The target is Hitler's Fortress Europa.

The Germans have a million and a half men to protect the Atlantic coast of Holland, Belgium, and France, as well as the Mediterranean coast of France. Believing the war will be won on the beaches, they have fortified much of the coast with mines, bunkers, barbed wire, flooded areas, and weapon positions: The Atlantic Wall.

Fortress Europa recreates this epic struggle during the Allied campaign in Western Europe from D-Day to March 1945. The Allied player must select an invasion site and make a successful landing, breakout of the beachhead, drive across France, and push deep into Germany. The Ger­man player must prevent the Allied invasion or else con­duct an orderly withdrawal across France, constantly delaying the Allies, and then counterattacking in lhe winter.

This Designer Signature edition of the classic John Edwards game includes super-sized components; larger game map and 5/8" counters. Some of the enhancements made in this edition include:

  • • Super-sized components feature 5/8” counters and two game maps
  • • All artwork and info updated
  • • Unit counter artwork embellished to include reduced strength, optional air units, and additional utility markers
  • • Charts and Tables available on the game map and on separate player aid cards for convenient referencing
  • • Re-designed and enhanced player aid cards
  • • Enhanced ergonomics are built into the set up and reinforcement charts (with helpful game play reminders)
  • • Revised Sudden Death Victory Conditions
  • • All new Invasion Sequence Chart to facilitate game play
  • • Rules presentation honors the acclaimed TAHGC edition with formatting improvements and a more formulized Sequence of Play
  • • All errata from TAHGC edition have been incorporated into the rules
  • • Minor rules adjustments; no major changes to the Standard Game
  • • Revised and expanded optional rules based on extensive playtesting
  • • Updated scenarios with fine-tuning to maximize play balance

Product Information:

  • Complexity: 6 out of 10
  • Solitaire Suitability: 7 out of 10 (no hidden units)
  • Time Scale: one week per turn
  • Map Scale: 25 miles per hex
  • Unit Scale: divisions, brigades, regiments, and battalions. Abstract naval and air units.
  • Players: one to two, best with two
  • Playing Time: 2-4 hours for scenarios, 8+ hours for campaign



  • Two maps (43 x 34")
  • Three countersheets (5/8" size)
  • Rules booklet
  • Two Player Aid Cards, 2-sided (duplicates)
  • One German Player Aid Card
  • One Allied Player Aid Card
  • One Aircraft Mission Chart, 2-sided
  • One German Initial Game Set-up Display
  • Two German Arrival Schedule Displays
  • One German Battle of the Bulge Order of Battle Display
  • One Allied Initial Game Set-up Display
  • One Allied Arrival Schedule Display
  • One Allied Battle of the Bulge Order of Battle Display
  • Two, six-sided dice
  • Box and Lid


Game Credits:

  • Designer: John Edwards
  • Developer: Randy Heller
  • Artist: Bruce Yearian
  • Package Design: Bruce Yearian and Brien Miller
  • Project Director: John Kranz

FORTRESS EUROPA Designer Signature Edition

$85.00 Regular Price
$56.95Sale Price

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    John Bowman, prop. 

    Leader of the Free World and Arbiter of All Cosmic Truths

    (my pronouns, then, are "Dear Leader" and "Cosmo")

    PO Box 133, Newbury NH 03255

     "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse!"~~Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

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